Repentance vs Cognify

The concept of biblical repentance and the Cognify therapy, a futuristic approach to rehabilitation, may seem like vastly different approaches to personal transformation. However, they share some commonalities in their aim to promote positive change in individuals.

IT SOUNDS like science fiction… and frankly a little bit bonkers.

But jails where inmates can serve their sentences in minutes before emerging as reformed characters may be the future of justice, says a biotechnology expert.

The Cognify method would see convicts given a choice between years in a cell or fast-track rehabilitation that involved implanting false memories in their brains, molecular biologist Hashem Al-Ghaili said. He explained they could be hooked up to machines – which in illustrations of the concept look a bit like sunbeds – while watching vivid virtual reality footage that would begin to seem to them like genuine memories.

Scenes could include their crimes seen from the victim’s perspective. And the ‘memories’ would be coupled with a brain implant to induce emotions such as remorse or regret. Mr Al-Ghaili said: ‘Violent offenders could feel their victim’s pain and suffering first hand.

‘Some memories would be designed to trigger consequences and trauma, simulating the long-term consequences of violent actions, such as the grief of the victim’s family or the physical and emotional trauma endured by the victim.’

Families of crime victims might be unimpressed to see offenders walking the streets days after being jailed. But Mr Al-Ghaili argued the concept could revolutionise the criminal justice system by significantly reducing the need for long-term incarceration and its associated costs’.

True fasting story of marriage

True fasting story of marriage

The Secret About Fasting – It’s Not the Power, It’s Drawing Closer to God

His might sound surprising if you’re familiar with my ministry and teachings, but let me explain: fasting alone has no spiritual power. The true power lies in God, the One we draw closer to during our fasting periods.

How My Fasting Journey Began
My first experience with fasting occurred shortly after I arrived in the United States as an immigrant refugee from Ukraine. My parents were involved in planting a new church that started in someone’s living room. Every Wednesday, they would fast and gather in the evening to pray for God’s blessings on this new church, now known as Hungry Generation Church. Inspired by our pastor’s vision, I, at fourteen, decided to join the adults in their weekly fasting.

For many years, I continued the practice of fasting for 24 hours every Wednesday. During this time, I felt increasingly filled with the Holy Spirit. When I struggled with an addiction to pornography, fasting helped me control my flesh and prepared me for the deliverance I desperately needed.

At sixteen, when I became a youth pastor, I maintained my commitment to fasting every Wednesday, dedicating the day to the Lord through Bible study and prayer. I even skipped school on those days to spend more time with God. One Wednesday, during this dedicated time, the Lord touched me profoundly and called me into full-time ministry.

Fasting Brings Clarity
Later in life, I faced challenges in my personal life, particularly in my journey to get married. I struggled with indecision and second-guessed myself constantly. After my first date with Lana, the woman who would become my wife, I expressed my indecisive feelings and broke up with her the next day. My mind was in turmoil!

A few weeks after that breakup, our church embarked on a 21-day fast in January, and I joined in. During this fast, God brought clarity to my mind. My indecisiveness was lifted, and I reconnected with Lana. Eight months later, we were married. It has been over 11 years since our wedding, and I am incredibly blessed! I am so grateful that I participated in that group fast.

The True Source of Power
To be clear: while fasting can bring us closer to breakthroughs and has numerous benefits, it holds no power on its own. All power comes from God.

Fasting might channel God’s power, but it does not generate it. Fasting doesn’t move God; it moves us

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Prayer for Breaking Curses

A power prayer or declaration aimed at breaking curses and seeking deliverance from demonic influences. It begins with a declaration of faith in Jesus Christ and the cleansing power of his blood, followed by a confession of personal and ancestral sins.

The prayer renounces and breaks the power of curses that may have come through sin, spoken words, or disobedience, both personal and ancestral. It also renounces any form of demonic subjection or control from family members or others.

The prayer concludes with a declaration of freedom through the blood of Jesus and a command for all harassing demonic spirits to leave. It emphasizes the belief that as a believer in Jesus, one is redeemed, cleansed, sanctified, and justified, and therefore, Satan and his demons have no power over them. The prayer expresses gratitude to Jesus for setting the person free. Overall, it’s a spiritual declaration seeking freedom from curses and demonic influence through faith in Jesus Christ and the power of his blood.

The full power prayer by Derek Prince

Dr McGarey Wisdom

Unlocking the Wisdom of Dr. Gladys McGarey: “We Learn It Too Late”

Dive into the profound wisdom shared by the extraordinary 103-year-old doctor, Dr. Gladys McGarey, in her enlightening video, “We Learn It Too Late.” This unique opportunity allows us to glean insights from a seasoned expert on life, connection, adaptation, love, compassion, and the importance of being present.

In this captivating video, Dr. McGarey’s perspectives serve as a poignant reminder to embrace life’s experiences to the fullest. Her profound insights underscore the significance of connection, the art of adaptation, the transformative power of love, the impact of compassion, and the value of being fully present in every moment.

Dr. McGarey’s journey and perspectives stand as a testament to the enduring power of lifelong learning. Her story inspires us to recognize the boundless potential for personal growth, demonstrating that age is no barrier to acquiring new wisdom and embracing life’s lessons. As we delve into the video, we are invited to reflect on our own lives and consider the richness that comes from a continuous pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

Join us in unlocking the treasures of Dr. Gladys McGarey’s “We Learn It Too Late” as we celebrate the timeless lessons she imparts, fostering a deep appreciation for the ongoing journey of growth and discovery. more >>

Politician and Leaders Fasting

Politician and Leaders Fasting

Rishi Sunak

The Evolution of Fasting: From Religious Ritual to Mainstream Health Craze

Fasting, once primarily practiced as a religious ritual, has now taken the world by storm as a mainstream health craze. While its benefits were initially observed in fasting mice, longevity scientists have since unveiled its potential for enhancing metabolic and cardiovascular health. This newfound enthusiasm for fasting has attracted prominent figures like Rishi Sunak and Elon Musk, along with the endorsement of influencers and the availability of fasting-tracking apps. In this article, we explore the evolution of fasting and its growing popularity among individuals seeking improved well-being

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Finding Hope in Psalm 35

Rising Above Adversity: Finding Hope in Psalm 35

Seeking Justice and Redemption in Times of Struggle

When facing overwhelming challenges with people who seem intent on causing harm, upheaval or false accusation, Psalm 35 speaks to that struggle. It’s like a heartfelt plea to God for help against those who unjustly want to bring me down. I identify with feeling unfairly targeted, like someone’s constantly plotting against me without reason.

I find solace in the psalmist’s prayer for justice. It’s a reminder that it’s okay to ask for fairness and for those causing trouble to face the consequences of their actions. Despite the hardship, it encourages me to hold onto faith that things will be made right eventually, and those who do wrong will face their own reckoning.

Psalm 35 is a heartfelt plea for deliverance from enemies. The psalmist, King David, cries out to God for help against adversaries who seek to harm him unjustly. >> more

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he refreshes my soul.

Profound Impact of Prayer and Fasting

Profound Impact of Prayer and Fasting

Discovering the Profound Impact of Prayer and Fasting: Beyond Crisis Moments

Throughout biblical history, numerous women have left an indelible mark through their strength, wisdom, and courage. Their stories, often intertwined with significant events and figures, serve as testaments to their remarkable influence despite the societal norms of their times. From Esther’s bravery in saving her people to Deborah’s leadership as a judge and prophetess, and Ruth’s loyalty and resilience, these women defied conventions, shaping the course of history and leaving a lasting legacy of faith, determination, and empowerment for generations to come. In this article we are going to look at how Zelophehad’s daughters and Esther reshaped history for mankind.

The stories of Zelophehad’s daughters and Esther unveil a crucial truth—prayer and fasting aren’t just tools for desperate times. Esther’s resolute prayers and fasting were pivotal in her people’s deliverance, causing the king’s (King Xerxes) favor to shift and leading to the downfall of her enemy, Haman. Her prayers revoked decrees, bringing victory, comfort, and promotion to her community.

This narrative echoes a deeper call: it’s an insult to God for His children to solely seek these practices in dire circumstances. The earth and its fullness belong to God, yet many Christians underestimate themselves, unaware of their inherent rights. Esther’s initial disbelief mirrors that of countless believers. 

Learning to pray and fast consistently empowers us, ensuring we don’t remain at the mercy of the adversary. It’s about understanding our authority, not just during crises but as a perpetual source of spiritual strength and guidance.

Notes for further reading:

Esther was a Jewish queen in ancient Persia, known for her bravery and intelligence. She became the wife of King Xerxes I (also known as King Ahasuerus), although she initially kept her Jewish identity hidden. Esther’s story is recounted in the biblical Book of Esther.

King Xerxes I was a ruler of the Persian Empire, which encompassed a vast territory in the ancient world. He reigned from approximately 486 to 465 BCE and is mentioned in historical records outside of the Bible.

Haman was a high-ranking official in King Xerxes I’s court, known for his pride and hostility towards the Jewish population. He plotted to exterminate the Jewish people, setting in motion a plan to annihilate them. Haman’s scheme was thwarted due to the courageous actions of Esther, who intervened to save her people by revealing Haman’s wicked intentions to the king.

Zelophehad’s daughters are individuals mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, specifically in the book of Numbers in the Old Testament. Zelophehad was a descendant of the tribe of Manasseh, and he had five daughters: Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah. 

Their story is significant because during the time when inheritance laws were being established, Zelophehad had no sons to inherit his land. His daughters approached Moses and argued for their right to inherit their father’s portion of the land in the Promised Land. Their case prompted Moses to inquire of the Lord, who affirmed that the daughters should indeed inherit their father’s portion. This decision set a precedent for women’s inheritance rights in Israelite society.

By Noel Christopher