From Ten to Innumerable: The Burden of Man-Made Laws

A profound spiritual teaching by Jesus, highlighting the distinction between God’s original commandments, the subsequent adaptations by Moses, and the complex traditions of religious leaders like the Scribes and Pharisees. Let’s break it down:

1. The Context of Moses’ Laws

Statement: “God gave, by Moses, ten commandments to your forefathers. ‘These commandments are hard,’ said your forefathers, and they could not keep them.”

Meaning: The Ten Commandments represent God’s original, pure law. However, the Israelites struggled to obey them because of their spiritual immaturity and lack of understanding. This points to the human tendency to resist divine standards when they seem too demanding.

Lesson: God’s law is simple but requires spiritual maturity and dependence on Him. Without true transformation, people may find it challenging to meet divine expectations.

2. Moses’ Adaptation of the Laws

Statement: “When Moses saw this, he had compassion on his people…and then he gave them ten times ten commandments.”

Meaning: Moses, seeing the people’s weakness, created additional laws as “crutches” to help guide them toward righteousness. These laws were concessions to their spiritual immaturity, designed to prevent them from turning completely away from God.

Lesson: God permits adaptations and intermediary steps for those who are not yet ready to grasp the fullness of His will, emphasizing His compassion and patience.

3. The Multiplication of Commandments

Statement: “And of these ten times ten the Scribes and Pharisees have made a hundred times ten commandments.” The 613 Mitzvot Jewish Commandments

Meaning: The religious leaders added an overwhelming number of rules, turning God’s simple laws into a burdensome and legalistic system. Their focus on outward rituals over inner transformation became a heavy load for the people.

Lesson: Man-made traditions often obscure the simplicity of God’s will, creating barriers to true spiritual freedom.

4. The Clarity of Divine Law

Statement: “For the more nigh are the commandments to God, the less do we need; and the farther they are from God, then the more do we need.”

Meaning: As one grows closer to God, they need fewer external rules because their heart aligns with God’s will. Conversely, those far from God rely on numerous rules to regulate behavior since they lack an internal compass.

Lesson: True righteousness comes from within—a relationship with God simplifies life and removes the need for excessive external laws.

The closer one is to God, the simpler and more unified the law becomes, emphasizing love and relationship over ritual and regulation.

Key Takeaways:

1. God’s Compassion: He meets people where they are, providing guidance suited to their level of spiritual maturity.

2. Simplicity of Divine Will: True spirituality simplifies life, focusing on love and inner transformation rather than outward rituals.

3. Beware of Legalism: Adding unnecessary rules can burden others and obscure God’s true nature.

4. The Ultimate Law is Love: As Jesus taught, loving God and loving others fulfills all of God’s commandments.

By Noel Christopher