Scriptual Prayer

A Prayer Guided by Scripture: Seeking God’s Wisdom and Grace

Old Bible

Prayer based on Bible verses.

We come before You in prayer, seeking Your guidance, grace, and wisdom. We acknowledge that there are right and wrong ways to approach You, and we humbly ask for Your discernment and understanding as we bring our requests before Your throne. James 4:3

Help us, Lord, to avoid empty and meaningless phrases in our prayers. Teach us to pray with sincerity and authenticity, knowing that You desire a genuine connection with Your children. Matthew 6:7

We recognize that we often do not know how to pray correctly, but we take comfort in the assurance that Your Holy Spirit intercedes for us, helping us express our prayers according to Your divine will. Romans 8:26

Just as the disciples sought Jesus’ instruction on prayer, we too seek Your guidance. Teach us, O Lord, how to pray and commune with You in a manner that pleases Your heart and aligns with Your purposes. Luke 18:1

May our prayers be in accordance with Your will, O God. We long to align our desires with Yours, knowing that prayers offered in harmony with Your purposes are heard by You. 1 John 5:14

Grant us the faith to believe that when we ask in prayer, we will receive. Help us to trust in Your provision and believe that You are faithful to answer the prayers of Your children. Mark 11:24

As Jesus taught His disciples the Lord’s Prayer, we too address You as our Father. May we approach You with reverence and intimacy, knowing that You are our loving and compassionate Father. Matthews 6:9-13

Lord, we are reminded to pray in private, away from the public eye. In the secret place, may we cultivate a personal and intimate relationship with You, where we pour out our hearts and find comfort in Your presence. Matthew 6:6

We offer our prayers in the name of the Lord, acknowledging Your authority and power. May every word spoken in prayer be a testament to Your greatness and sovereignty. James 5:14

Fill us, Holy Spirit, with Your guidance and empowerment as we pray. Lead us in the paths of righteousness and enable us to intercede for others effectively. Jude 1:20

In our prayers, may we seek Your face, confessing our sins and turning away from wickedness. Help us to approach You with contrite hearts, knowing that You are faithful to forgive and restore. 2 Chronicles 7:14

We are grateful to know that the prayers of the righteous are heard by You. May our lives reflect righteousness as we strive to walk in obedience and holiness before You. Proverbs 15:29

You invite us to call upon You, assuring us that You will answer. We come before You with confidence, knowing that You are attentive to the cries of Your children. Jeremiah 33:3

Lord, we are encouraged to persist in prayer and not lose heart. Grant us the endurance to continue seeking You, trusting that You are at work even when we cannot see the immediate answers.
1 Thessalonians 5:17

Help us, O God, to maintain a constant attitude of prayer. May we pray without ceasing, knowing that You are always near and ready to hear our petitions. Romans 12:12

In our prayers, may we exhibit faithfulness and persistence. Teach us to persevere in seeking Your face and trusting in Your promises. Ephesians 6:18

Grant us the grace to pray at all times, in every place. May our lives be marked by a spirit of prayerfulness, as we continually turn to You in all circumstances. 1 Timothy 2:8

As we bring our requests before You, Lord, help us to pray with thanksgiving and trust in Your provision. May gratitude overflow from our hearts as we recognize Your faithfulness and goodness. Philippians 4:6

Just as Jesus advised His disciples to pray and ask to be kept from temptation, we too seek Your strength and protection. Guard us, O Lord our Father, from the snares of the enemy and lead us in the paths of righteousness. Matthew 26:41

We lift up those who are suffering, O God. May our prayers bring them comfort, healing, and relief, knowing that You are the God who hears and responds to the cries of Your people. James 5:13

My God and heavenly Father, we take comfort in knowing that You hear the prayers of the righteous. Deliver us from our troubles, O Father, and let Your loving kindness surround us. Psalm 34:17


By Noel Christopher of Biblical Fasting Retreat