The Perfect Model for Life

In everything we do, it is beneficial to have a model to guide our work. Just as an architect relies on blueprints to construct a building, we need a pattern to live our lives well. Thankfully, there is a perfect model for us.

To live our lives to their fullest potential, we must follow this exemplary life. Out of all the lives lived since the beginning of time, this one life stands alone as the perfect model. This life invites us to follow its steps and walk its path.

While many good people have lived, none provide a true pattern of life on their own. Even the Apostle Paul, who said, “Be ye followers of me,” added, “even as I also am of Him.” It’s the essence of this perfect life manifested in others that we should follow.

The greatest work we can do is to reveal this ideal life to others, helping them to be shaped more in its image. Think of a mirror in a dark room that reflects a single ray of light, illuminating the space. Similarly, we can reflect the light of this exemplary life onto those in spiritual darkness, helping them grow in beauty and holiness.

Scripture calls us to be “followers of God as dear children.” God desires His children to imitate Him, living holy lives. As 1 Peter 1:15 (Revised Version) states, “Like as he which has called you is holy, be ye yourselves also holy in all manner of living.” This perfect life serves as our blueprint; to walk in its steps is to follow the true way of life.

Walking in these steps leads us to eternal glory. Despite the weariness we might feel, remembering that we tread the same path as this ideal life gives us strength. The vision of heaven and the promise of God’s approval and help sustain us on our journey.

Consider the seasoned traveler who navigates treacherous paths with a steadfast compass. His life, hidden with the essence of this perfect model, is a testament to living the true way of life. His final steps lead him to eternal rest, where the toils of life are no more.

To live as this exemplary life was lived is the true and only way to life eternal. Our lives are perfected as we imitate this model. Following this example ensures we walk the path that leads to God’s eternal kingdom. This perfect life was none other than Jesus Christ.