Finding Hope in Psalm 35

Rising Above Adversity: Finding Hope in Psalm 35

Seeking Justice and Redemption in Times of Struggle

When facing overwhelming challenges with people who seem intent on causing harm, upheaval or false accusation, Psalm 35 speaks to that struggle. It’s like a heartfelt plea to God for help against those who unjustly want to bring me down. I identify with feeling unfairly targeted, like someone’s constantly plotting against me without reason.

I find solace in the psalmist’s prayer for justice. It’s a reminder that it’s okay to ask for fairness and for those causing trouble to face the consequences of their actions. Despite the hardship, it encourages me to hold onto faith that things will be made right eventually, and those who do wrong will face their own reckoning.

Psalm 35 is a heartfelt plea for deliverance from enemies. The psalmist, King David, cries out to God for help against adversaries who seek to harm him unjustly. >> more

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he refreshes my soul.

Profound Impact of Prayer and Fasting

Profound Impact of Prayer and Fasting

Discovering the Profound Impact of Prayer and Fasting: Beyond Crisis Moments

Throughout biblical history, numerous women have left an indelible mark through their strength, wisdom, and courage. Their stories, often intertwined with significant events and figures, serve as testaments to their remarkable influence despite the societal norms of their times. From Esther’s bravery in saving her people to Deborah’s leadership as a judge and prophetess, and Ruth’s loyalty and resilience, these women defied conventions, shaping the course of history and leaving a lasting legacy of faith, determination, and empowerment for generations to come. In this article we are going to look at how Zelophehad’s daughters and Esther reshaped history for mankind.

The stories of Zelophehad’s daughters and Esther unveil a crucial truth—prayer and fasting aren’t just tools for desperate times. Esther’s resolute prayers and fasting were pivotal in her people’s deliverance, causing the king’s (King Xerxes) favor to shift and leading to the downfall of her enemy, Haman. Her prayers revoked decrees, bringing victory, comfort, and promotion to her community.

This narrative echoes a deeper call: it’s an insult to God for His children to solely seek these practices in dire circumstances. The earth and its fullness belong to God, yet many Christians underestimate themselves, unaware of their inherent rights. Esther’s initial disbelief mirrors that of countless believers. 

Learning to pray and fast consistently empowers us, ensuring we don’t remain at the mercy of the adversary. It’s about understanding our authority, not just during crises but as a perpetual source of spiritual strength and guidance.

Notes for further reading:

Esther was a Jewish queen in ancient Persia, known for her bravery and intelligence. She became the wife of King Xerxes I (also known as King Ahasuerus), although she initially kept her Jewish identity hidden. Esther’s story is recounted in the biblical Book of Esther.

King Xerxes I was a ruler of the Persian Empire, which encompassed a vast territory in the ancient world. He reigned from approximately 486 to 465 BCE and is mentioned in historical records outside of the Bible.

Haman was a high-ranking official in King Xerxes I’s court, known for his pride and hostility towards the Jewish population. He plotted to exterminate the Jewish people, setting in motion a plan to annihilate them. Haman’s scheme was thwarted due to the courageous actions of Esther, who intervened to save her people by revealing Haman’s wicked intentions to the king.

Zelophehad’s daughters are individuals mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, specifically in the book of Numbers in the Old Testament. Zelophehad was a descendant of the tribe of Manasseh, and he had five daughters: Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah. 

Their story is significant because during the time when inheritance laws were being established, Zelophehad had no sons to inherit his land. His daughters approached Moses and argued for their right to inherit their father’s portion of the land in the Promised Land. Their case prompted Moses to inquire of the Lord, who affirmed that the daughters should indeed inherit their father’s portion. This decision set a precedent for women’s inheritance rights in Israelite society.

By Noel Christopher

Esther Fast

The Profound Impact of Prayer and Fasting: Unveiling the Power Within

In the tapestry of history, certain stories shine as beacons, illuminating the incredible power of prayer and fasting. Consider the narrative of Esther, a tale that echoes the resonance of divine intervention and human agency converging through earnest supplication.

“God said that the daughters of Zelophehad were right.” This resounding affirmation lays the foundation for Esther’s journey, where fasting and prayer became the tools for her salvation and the deliverance of her people within the Persian Empire.

Esther’s unwavering commitment manifested as a resolute “hunger strike,” a deeply spiritual act of fasting and prayer. Through this selfless devotion, she embarked on a mission to alter the fate of her people. Her prayers, combined with absolute fasting, invoked a restless night for the king, compelling his urgent summons for Esther’s presence.

The power of Esther’s prayers was palpable; they not only opened the king’s closed doors but also swayed his favor toward her cause. The downfall of Haman, the archenemy of God’s people, was imminent through the potency of her petitions. Esther’s resolute prayers and absolute fast became the catalyst that overturned decrees and secured victory for God’s children.

Her sacrifice was not in vain; it wiped away the tears of the afflicted, ushered in moments of rest, jubilant feasts, and elevated Mordecai to a position of prominence. Esther’s narrative stands as a testament to the transformative potential of prayer and fasting in the face of adversity.

The crux of this tale isn’t solely about Esther’s heroism but also serves as a beacon for believers today. It’s a reminder that as inheritors of God’s grace, we hold unassailable rights and authority. Yet, many within the Christian community remain unaware, underestimating their potential and unwittingly succumbing to the subtle deceptions of the enemy.

Esther, much like numerous believers, initially grappled with self-doubt. She, too, questioned her capability to effect change. However, her journey serves as an indelible lesson—a testament to the transformative power unleashed when one realizes their intrinsic worth and divine backing.

To remain at the mercy of the devil and his agents is an affront to the sovereignty of God. The earth and its entirety, along with its inhabitants, belong to God by divine creation. Understanding these truths empowers believers to thwart the deceitful narratives propagated by the adversary.

Esther’s narrative beckons us to reclaim our inherent authority, to embrace the power of prayer and fasting as formidable instruments of change. It prompts us to reassess our identities not as feeble beings but as vessels of divine purpose and unwavering strength.

In a world rife with challenges, Esther’s story serves as a clarion call—a reminder that within us lies the potential to alter destinies and invoke transformation through prayer, fasting, and an unshakeable belief in the sovereignty of God.

May Esther’s tale resonate within our hearts, igniting a fervent pursuit of divine intervention through the sacred union of prayer and fasting.

By Noel Christopher

Whispers Among the Trees

Healing Whispers Among the Trees

Embracing Divine Signs on a Journey of Wellness

Today was a sunny day, but the temperature was a chilly 8⁰C. I took my dog for a walk down Brannetts Wood RM15, which is near my house. As I walked between the trees on the path leading to the grassland, I found myself talking to my wife about not feeling well lately. It’s been difficult to breathe properly during fast walks, as if something is blocking my airways. There’s a discomfort in the upper part of my sternum, specifically at the manubrium. I believe I need to undergo an extended water fast to allow God to heal my body and focus on my healing. >>>

The Promise of Psalm 91

The Promise of Psalm 91

The Promise of Psalm 91: Embracing Strength in Weakness

Life can be a tumultuous journey, laden with challenges that test our resilience and shake our spirits. During these moments of vulnerability and weakness, finding solace and strength becomes paramount. It is during such times that the timeless wisdom of Psalm 91 offers a profound promise, particularly to those who are weak in spirit.

The Invitation to Seek Refuge

Psalm 91 extends a gentle invitation to seek refuge in the loving embrace of the Most High. For those burdened with weariness and overwhelmed by life’s trials, this psalm beckons them to find comfort and shelter in the arms of their Heavenly Father. In acknowledging our weakness, we open ourselves to the possibility of divine strength to sustain and uplift us.

A Haven for the Weary Soul

The verses of Psalm 91 unfold as a haven for the weary soul, assuring us that we need not face life’s battles alone. For those who feel feeble in spirit, the psalmist proclaims that dwelling in the shelter of the Most High leads to rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Here, the weak find rest, and the burdened soul discovers peace that surpasses understanding.

Strength in Faithful Trust

The essence of the promise in Psalm 91 lies in the unwavering trust we place in God. It assures us that when we declare the Lord as our refuge and fortress, we open the door to His transformative strength. As we acknowledge our dependence on Him, we find ourselves enveloped in divine protection. Our weakness becomes an opportunity for God’s power to be magnified within us.

The Unyielding Shield of God’s Faithfulness

The psalm paints a vivid picture of God’s unfailing protection, likening it to the safety one finds under the wings of a bird. Here, in our frailty, we find sanctuary, covered and shielded by His faithfulness. This divine shield guards us against the arrows of despair and doubt, reminding us that we are never forsaken, even in our weakest moments.

Banishing Fear through Divine Assurance

Fear often accompanies moments of weakness, but the promise of Psalm 91 encourages us to cast it aside. We need not be terrified by the perils that loom in the darkness or the trials that assail us in broad daylight. The assurance of God’s protective hand emboldens us to rise above our fears, knowing that His presence dispels all darkness.

Strength to Conquer Adversity

Psalm 91 Instils hope in the hearts of the weak, assuring them that, with God’s strength, they can confront and conquer adversity. Just as a brave soldier treads upon dangerous territory without fear, those who trust in the Almighty can face their challenges with unwavering courage.

The Tender Love of Divine Rescue

In our times of weakness, God’s love is evident in His promise to rescue and honor us. He hears our cries for help, and in His tender mercy, He extends His divine hand to lift us out of the depths of despair. Our weaknesses become opportunities for His grace to shine, and our rescue becomes a testament to His unfailing love.

Hope and Renewal in the Face of Weakness

For those who are weak in spirit, Psalm 91 offers a beacon of hope and renewal. It reminds them that they are not defined by their weakness, but rather by the strength of the Almighty that dwells within them. In embracing the promise of this psalm, they discover that weakness can become a gateway to experiencing the fullness of God’s power and presence.

So to those who are weak in spirit, take heart in the promise of Psalm 91. Embrace the invitation to seek refuge in the loving arms of the Most High. Find solace in His unwavering protection and strength in His faithful presence. Let your weakness be the canvas upon which God’s transformative power is painted, and may you rise above your challenges with unwavering courage, for in Him, you are strong.

Detail study of Psalm 91